All of us in our daily lives is related to the use of a variety of devices, giving you the comfort you want. But, unfortunately, the middle-of-use is essential. So this is pretty urgent is the question of the reduction of the energy costs.

Energy enables us to reduce the consumption of natural resources are not infinite, and reduce harmful emissions into the atmosphere and, consequently, to contribute to the preservation of our rivers, lakes, and forests. And, of course, energy-saving, allows to substantially reduce the utility costs, which is especially relevant because the prices of which are steadily on the increase.
And if a person begins to save energy in your home, you have the benefit of not only himself, but all over the country.
Energy efficiency tips
Before you start to save on electricity, it is necessary to identify which of the appliances the more you spend on energy, and how to correct them, to exploit them.
The fridge
One of the main consumers of electricity in the home. The refrigerator running constantly, providing a fresh and safe from the deterioration of the food. But if you use it correctly, it's the electricity, it is going to spend any more than necessary.
How to use
Place it in a refrigerator. It should not be placed close to the stove or on the battery and on the sunny side, from this point on, he starts to work that much harder and the power consumption is increased significantly. Don't need to also put it close to the wall, which does not correspond to the movement of the air, and will cause it to overheat.

Note that the temperature display on the fridge. If it turns on almost non-stop, it is necessary to have more cold weather. It does not have a significant impact on the shelf life of the product, but it will help you to save on electricity. The products, which degrade more quickly, the better to get it close to the wall of the refrigerator, where the temperature is below.
Defrosting something, do it well in advance: remove the frozen product from the freezer and place it in the cooler with a camera on the top shelf of the products they are "helping" you work in a refrigerator, thus saving energy.
Do not place any hot food in the refrigerator and do not allow the door to open it, and try to do it won't open. This will also cause it to, many times, it will turn on and consume even more power.
Regularly defrost freezer. The ice in the fridge is not cold, and vice versa, and it is the function of thermal insulation. So, the fridge is in need of defrost, preventing to the education of the ice, "fur coat".
The stove
One of the more high-roller home appliances. When it is heated and cooled, more energy intensive. Therefore, it is the right way to deal with a gas hob and electric, one of the main ways of saving energy. In the preparation of the food, you can save significantly.
How to use
Do not place it on the stove, and the refrigerator in the kitchen next to it. You will need a significant increase in utility costs across the void from the loss of additional energy for the cooling of a heating device and, on the other.
Prepare food on low heat. In the majority of cases, the all-mighty, the heating is not required. Typically, the liquid should just bring to a boil, and then cook your food over a slow fire. The Use of the waste heat to the burners, turn off the hob for 10 minutes, until the preparation of the food.
Use pots and pans with a bottom that is equal to or slightly larger in diameter on an electric stove. It's not worth to use vessels of a smaller circle, and let the sheet metal "heater"air.
The bottom of the pot or pan must be flat and firmly adjacent to the burner. A kitchen with an uneven bottom can cause an overcome of the energy by up to 40 to 60%.
To cook, place the lid on the pot, so that there was not an excess of heat. When you are cooking with the lid open, the consumption of electricity increases on the two and a half times. And even if the cover is opened slightly, the power consumption will be even more so when it is closed.
When you cook vegetables, put them in a pan under the water. Its an optional depth in the water. And how much lower it will be in the water.
To heat up plates, and, in some cases, you get the most cheap in the oven. It uses the least amount of energy. In addition to this, the food is cooked more quickly.
Machine (dryer) machine
Due to its powerful motor and large rotations, a washing machine consumes a lot of electricity. When you select the machine, and other kitchen appliances, the choice of the technique to the class E. It is the consumption of energy, the most cost-effective.
How to use
macerari the clothes before washing. The dirt is, the faster the clothes, without needing to be washed in the machine more than once.
Use the power of the machine. When I load the tank of the washing machine to only half of the 50% of the energy is consumed by the void. But overloading the machine, you don't need to. It is a very large amount of clothing, such as the load, leads to additional costs for the payments are made.
Laundry service when the air temperature is 30°c, and at the time of the standard 40°C saves 40% of energy consumption. The quality of the wash remains the same, because modern washing powders are designed to best wash your clothes at lower temperatures. Don't get too much foaming of the detergent.
The use of too much so the drying process can also become a factor in the waste of electric power.
Then, take out the clothes from the dryer slightly damp. This will greatly improve the drapability the fabric and the ease of the move. And, by the way, it's too dry or too moist clothing, you must hand more than a little damp, and that, therefore, there is a greater consumption of energy.
Washing machine, dishwasher
It is good for the fact that it is a very cost-effective expense from the water. For example, for the washing of the 12 – to 14 sets of dishes in the machine, you will need a 14-to 18-litres of water, and for the manual washing of approximately 60 litres.
How to use
Use the power of the machine.
Clean up all the dishes in the large contaminants prior to the loading of the machine.
If your computer has a mode in the middle of the boot, you can use it for washing small amounts of dishes.
Modern tv-sets are characterized by a low consumption of energy, however, to compliance with the basic rules of its use allows to reduce the consumption of energy.
How to use
If you are using the tv to listen to music, turn off the image.
Be sure to always turn off the tv, even when you leave the room for 5 to 10 minutes. Don't leave it on for the tv to work that is wasted, which is used as a background sound.
The computer
Computers will consume a massive amount of energy, and even more often, they need to be set up for the day. So, if you are one of them, it is better to use your own laptop rather than a computer - it is much more cost-effective.
How to use
Use the power-saving mode of the computer, and he has, on any operating system.
It does not make sense to constantly turn on and turn off the computer, if it is to be used in the course of the day. This is a negative impact on their performance. However, for the rest, it's recommended that you turn off your computer's monitor.
Peripheral devices, such as printers and scanners, should be included in the network, only when it is needed.
In the cold season, it is the largest consumer of electrical energy. And it's not only a lot waste energy, but it also dries the air. If, in the heat of a conventional system of heating is not sufficient, then think about additional options to protect themselves against the cold.
Tips for conserving heat in the home
You can paper over the cracks and openings in the home, through which it comes out of the heat, and to insulate the floors and windows, washing out the old battery from the rust and more.
You can install it on the house and metal on the window. They'll hold around twenty per cent of the heat in the interior. This means that the heater is in use, you don't need it at all, or to include, a lot more difficult to come by.
Properly ventilate the room. To do this it is necessary, even in the warm-up period. To constantly open the card, surprisingly, it gets cold, but no air in the room. The Use of the etc in a few minutes, to widely open all the windows. The air has no time to change it, and all the surfaces in the interior will remain hot. This will help to reduce the loss of heat and includes hot water, to bring it back on the heat. And, by the way, turn off the heater at the time of cooling.
A few additional tips for saving electricity
Use of electrical appliances in a class a
When you purchase appliances, choose the model of energy-saving, with a fixed a And a+, A++.
Don't leave your appliances on standby mode
Do not leave it enabled on the wall jack flat, returns: light bulbs, cooking technique, and other musical instruments. Even in the standby mode, the apparatus will absorb the energy.
The Use of the waste heat of the apparatus,
For instance, the iron is retained in the residual heat, which is enough for a couple of minutes will also be provided. Ironing board with a Heat Reflector is also a great way to save money on energy.
Turn off stove top a few minutes before the preparation of the food. To the left of the burner to the food you will come before you're ready.
To Use solutions for led indoor light
When you use it on the inside of the light tone, it decreases the amount of energy needed for lighting. The floor and the walls are light, so they can help you visually expand the store and improve the lighting. For example, a smooth white wall reflects 80 percent of the sun rays, the dark green surface is only 15% of the light-dark – 9 %
Don't overlook natural light
The use of the light of the sun – one of the most important reserves of electrical energy. To do this, at home, over the bright wall and the curtains. It's not worth filling up on the window, so as not to hinder the penetration of light into the room. In fact, windows are dirty, they take up to 25% of the light of the day. In order not to spend funds to do away with the backlight, press and hold the window glass to constantly clean.
The use of economic devices for the illumination
Replace the incandescent lamp, energy-saving or led light bulbs. They are energy-consuming, and sometimes less than that of the incandescent bulb, and will serve for a long, long time.
And, by the way, is to limit the use of the interior items, lighting, frosted and black glass. They will disguise the light and forcing you to use light bulbs with greater power.
Use zone lighting
Install it in the living room of a variety of illumination on a lounge chair for reading next to your bed, writing/computer desk. I agree, there is no need to illuminate the whole room, enough to illuminate only certain areas. For this purpose, you can use a less powerful lamp, which are generally placed at the heart of the hospital.
To clean, wipe the lighting and the dust and the dirt
Over time, the lights, the monitors of the screen, the screen is formed of the dust of the plaque, as a result, the light emitted by them, they start to fade. To prevent an excess of electricity, for this reason, we periodically flush with the surface illuminating, wash the led and the light from the lamps, and chandeliers.